Get Involved

Run for the Co-op Board of Directors

The Co-op Market Grocery & Deli Board of Directors has two vacancies in the spring of 2025. The election will be begin in March with new Board Members assuming the offices at our Annual Meeting in April. Co-op owners in good-standing are eligible to run. Click the button to download the Board Candidate Packet below to learn more and apply!

Become a cooperator

Come and work with us! We’re hiring!

As the first retail food co-op in Alaska, we don’t think like any other grocery store. Our main goal is to make our community healthy, happy and prosperous. This means we hire people who are:

  • Customer service superstars

  • Willing to learn every aspect of the natural food business

  • Able to take personal responsibility for their work

  • Interested in having fun while working hard

We offer rewarding careers, competitive wages, paid vacation and sick leave, a 15% employee discount, and more!

To apply for a position, be sure to fill out the entire application.

We are constantly looking for excellent co-operators, so if you would like to work with us, please submit an application. We will keep it on file for future reference as other positions open up.

Current open position(s):


Email our application to Christopher Hutchquist at

Become an Owner

In March 2013 the dream of opening a community-owned grocery store in downtown Fairbanks became a reality! Now your support is needed to ensure our success during our first few years. Each Owner helps build the capital to sustain Co-op Market.

As an Owner you have a voice in a democratically run business.

Owners can participate in a variety of ways. Here are just a few:

  • Vote for your Board of Directors.

  • Run for a seat on the Board of Directors.

  • Attend annual meetings and Board of Director Meetings.

  • Vote to choose Lend a Hand register round-up recipients.

  • Monthly Owner-Only Deals.

  • Owner Appreciation Days 4x throughout the year – receive 10% off one shopping trip during the appreciation days.

  • Owner only bulk sale 2x a year. Receive a 10% discount on bulk orders.

  • Giveaways- Owners double their chance to win.

  • know about sales and promos first with the newsletter.

Choose between a 1-time investment of $200 or a payment plan. You can make an initial investment of $25 and receive full benefits immediately. This investment is non-refundable. (See note below.)

One Ownership investment is valid for you and your immediate family living in the same household.

There are 2 simple ways for you to sign up!

At the store! Sign up with any cashier at any of our registers. It takes just a few minutes. Or online by clicking here.
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Become a Vendor

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it may be having a store front can be a hassle. Why not allow the co-op to be your small store front?

Become a

Board Member

It all begins with an idea. These ideas to help better the co-op and the impact it has on it’s customers and the surrounding area. One person can’t come up with all the ideas that is why we have several people bouncing ideas and inspiration off each other.