Unlike corporate grocers, food co-ops are totally independent and owned by the community members who shop there. Co-ops focus on their community, nourishing everyone according to their budget and cooking needs.

Co-ops are the place to find the best local food, because they connect to their local farmers and family business owners by name and food co-ops are passionate about giving back to their communities.

In owning your co-op you have a say in how it works. Click the button below for more information.

Own your Co-op

Who we are

As the first retail food co-op in Alaska, we do not think like any other grocery. Our main goal is to make our community healthy, happy and prosperous.

These values-driven, locally owned store in Interior Alaska began as the seedling of an idea in the early 2000s. In 2013, after years of planning and fundraising, this dream came to fruition.

This is done in a variety of ways. Bringing in healthier alternatives and local products are just two of the many ways we do this. So come on by and peruse our store. You may find items that you need or you may find new and exciting items you never knew existed.

Lend a Hand to Fairbanks HopeLink

Lend a Hand to Fairbanks HopeLink